
My grand-son’s interests seem to change like Nebraska weather.  My five-year-old grandson seems most interested in games on the iPad.  My three 11-year-old grandsons seem to largely focus on the subject of sports but the sport changes with the season.  On the other end of the age spectrum, my oldest granddaughter’s interest is primarily captured by her one-year old son and another granddaughter’s interest focuses on her pre-med college classes.  What would you say has captured your interest?  Whatever that may be, it at least gives you a clue as to your value system and therefore what motivates you.

I have been intrigued with how frequently Jesus referenced ‘Scripture’.   He repeatedly made statements like “have you not read [heard]…” or “it is written…”  Yes, he no doubt focused on individuals (relationships) and serving others but so much of what He said and did could be reduced down to Scripture.

But it wasn’t just Scripture that captured His attention.  He obviously believed the source of Scripture was His Father who was His ultimate love.  He literally lived out what He taught was the greatest commandment, Mark 12:30 (NLT) ‘And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’   He even modeled His definition of that kind of love when He said Matthew 10:37 (NIV) “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me..”  balanced with His concern for His mother when He said to John 19:27 “…Here is your mother” [i.e. ‘take care of her’].   The loving devotion He had for His heavenly Father was unadulterated.  Since the Scripture was the most tangible representation of His Father, that was what He valued most highly.

When I ponder my value of Scripture, while I certainly have deep love for it, I cannot come close to saying it I love it as He did.  Jesus literally thrived on God’s Word—it was bread for Him!  His speech, His actions, His thoughts never veered far from it.  I suspect it could be said what a person likes to talk about the most is a good clue as to what he/she values most.  It certainly is true with my grandchildren and many I’ve connected with in life.

Jesus’ didn’t have the Bible in so many different translations and formats as we have today.  But if He would have, I suspect He would have opened his phone, iPad, computer or printed copy multiple times a day!  What might the frequency of your meditation on Scripture, talking about or actual obedience to it reveals about your value of what Jesus so deeply valued.   I know there are those who claim they value God’s word and believe it is the authoritative Word of God—until it talks about issues like “count it all joy”, “be anxious for nothing”, “be Holy because I am Holy”, “giving thanks for all things”, “submit to one another”, or reveal God’s ways with us.  (I’m sure you’ve already thought of many other examples).  Then they rationalize, justify or otherwise ignore those passages that don’t fit their lifestyle.  They obviously don’t value scripture as Jesus did!

When Jesus was being arrested, all His disciples would desert Him, and He would be taken to be tried and then crucified, He said Mark 14:49-50 (NIV) “Every day I was with you, teaching in the temple courts, and you did not arrest me. But the Scriptures must be fulfilled.” Then everyone deserted him and fled.  He literally staked His life on walking out what the Scripture said!!!  If He is our model, what might that be saying to us on how He expects and will empower us to live in our world today?
