Is God Confused?

I tell Connie several times a day that I love her very much.  And from my perspective I do love her with as much love as I know how to love another human.  She has heard me say that, probably to the point it has become ‘boring’, but I suspect she is looking for ways, other than words, that will validate or invalidate the words I say.  Should I choose not to trust her, to break a promise to her or neglect doing what she interprets to be an expression of my love; those actions would speak louder than my words.

To what extent might that be true of God as well?  We say we love God with ‘all’ our hearts, at least quite frequently go through a form of worship, contribute our tithe, serve in ministry and even try to do our devotions on a reasonably regular basis.  While at the same time we struggle to genuinely trust Him in our finances, health, job, etc. when we experience a downturn in those areas.  We may also find it hard to obey what He tells us in His Word or whispers in our daily life.  And, we are prone to do things that show a lack of trust in His Word when ‘no one is looking’.   In that light, could God be confused with our “I love You with ‘all’” words or thoughts? Does He have good reason to question the authenticity of our words?

This morning I was challenged with the question of ‘How well do I know this God I claim to love with all my heart?  How much initiative do I show each day to learn to know Him, His values, and ways better?  Do I regret having not learned more about who He is in the last few weeks?   Am I so ravished in my love for Christ that others are attracted to Him simply because my Christlike attitude, His incredible inner peace, joy and love for even my enemies has been made evident in my life?  Are unbelievers drawn into wanting what I have because it is so much better than what they have?  Isn’t this what Jesus alluded to when He said John 13:35 (NIV) “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

I can’t speak for anyone but as for me, my thoughts today have reawakened me.  Sometimes I work harder to be consistent in my love for Connie than I do in my love for God.  I do not feel condemned, but I do feel spurred on to know Him better!  My prayer today is, “My God forgive my spiritual adultery.  I humbly receive that forgiveness.  Now Holy Spirit, PLEASE keep changing me into having more of the heart Jesus had for His Father.”  He literally denied His own desires to the point of enduring all that went into His crucifixion WITHOUT SO MUCH AS A WORD OF REGRET FOR HIS CHOICE OR DISDAIN FOR THOSE WHO ABUSED HIM!!  I long for that kind of a heart of love for my God.

If I take time to reflect on my spiritual journey, I must admit I have experienced more of God’s faith, love and joy in my life when I am most intimate with Him.  And gratefully, as my years continue to progress (ageing can have it benefits), I’ve been experiencing more of those qualities on a more frequent basis than in my yester-years.  This increased experience tastes so good I only want to be changed more and more into His likeness.  Would you join me, even collaborate with me, in ways we both can pursue greater intimacy with our God?  This verse has inspired me to intentionally walk with others in my spiritual journey.  Jude 1:20 (NLT) “But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit,”


Last night was very cold and my rental car had a Texas license plate on it.  It certainly wasn’t used to the cold I experienced in Big Springs, Ne!!!  The electronic sensors must have decided to protest because all the warning lights on the car stayed on after the car started and told the car’s motor and transmission not to do their ‘thing’ and move the car.  I was confused.  When it failed to fix itself I also found myself becoming impatient!  Can you relate to something like that at all or does that just happen to me?  Actually, I find myself become impatient more often than I like!

I’ve even become impatient with God!  After all, I put my ‘coins’ in the vending machine and nothing happened!  Grrr!   Then wouldn’t you know it, God brought this verse to my attention.  Isaiah 30:18 (ESV) Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.

Yep!  It says God has to wait on me!!  Really??  I thought we humans were the ones always waiting on God but this says He is waiting on us.  The context of the passage is not all that different from me and perhaps you as well.  In the preceding verses, the people of Judah were being ‘rebellious’, essentially insisting on wanting things to go their way.  They were so stubborn that their ears had gone into the selective hearing mode. Bottom line: They wanted God to bless them in their misguided state and determined not to accept anything from God except His blessing that would enable them to carry on with their plans.

But God is also Just, not only Merciful.  So, His Just character forced Him to wait until His judgment had humbled them to the point they returned to Him, so He could “be gracious unto them”.   If He didn’t wait for them to return, He would be like a parent giving their child what he/she wanted while they were rebelliously throwing a fit.  That would only enable them to use that ugly routine again in order to get what they wanted!

Could it be that God is waiting on me and you until we stop trying to achieve something righteous with our own resourcefulness?  I’ve learned in the last few years that God does far more in and through my life when I stop trying to control or push things through—even when what I may have been doing was not bad!  I find it is certainly true… “blessed are all those who wait for Him”.  I’ve been seeing the Holy Spirit make changes that ONLY He could make happen!  I am truly humbled, most grateful and much more at peace.   What is even greater is how waiting on Him has been changing me more into the likeness of our Lord.

Holy Spirit, would you please remind me earlier to get out of Your way and let You do what only You can do so the King of the Universe can be exalted above all.


Have you asked or prayed for something, expected it to happen but it never did?  How did you feel about that?  After all, didn’t Jesus teach “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 (ESV) You thought you were doing that so what’s the deal?

Luke tells of two guys walking down the road to a community named Emmaus.  They were very confused because Jesus, their leader who had incredible power and knowledge, endured a disgraceful death hanging on a cross.  One of them said, “We had hoped he was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel…”  Luke 24:21 (NLT) Clearly this was NOT what they expected!!

When things like this happen to me and I can get my equilibrium back, I am able to see this is one of God’s teachable moments for me.  When reflecting on these disciples’ situation here, I was reminded of when the 11 apostles had hoped for the same thing.   Acts 1:6 (NLT) “So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”  In the case of these two disciples, Jesus chided them, then called their attention to what was written in the Bible.  It is noteworthy that in retrospect of that exchange with Jesus, “they said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32 (NLT)  Jesus didn’t try to correct their misguided hope.  He left that to the work of the Holy Spirit.

When the 11 apostles asked concerning that very same hope, Jesus again chided them just a bit but did not try to answer their question.  Instead He redirected them to the work of the Holy Spirit that would come upon them.

It begs the question, how much of what we “hope” for and are perhaps very dogmatic about, may be misguided hope?  A couple wanted to get married and were so sure they were right for each other.  Yet, within 6 months she moved out of state with her family and their marriage plans vaporized.  When we become so fixed on what we only hope is true, our ego and emotions smother our spirit and we stop listening for what the Holy Spirit is wanting to reveal to us or guide us to do next.  What might that tell us about our supposed humility and our true faith or submission to our king?

Could it be there is more to not getting what we hoped for than what it appears to the natural man?  Instead of bowing our neck and entering into a wrestling match with God over the disappointment, we would be better served to quiet our emotions, remind ourselves He is King, and we are His servants.  Then determine to listen more intently for what the Holy Spirit may be getting ready to say to us next?  When we do that, we will find greater peace as well as experience His joy in taking the next step He has planned for us.

Oh God, please keep reminding me that Your ‘no’ or silence does not mean I’m bad or have done something bad.  Rather it means you have something more you want me to learn about who You are and how I can trust You even when I don’t understand.

Bit and Bridle

Several years ago, Doug Milholland, a world class horse trainer, invited me to ride one of his highly trained horses.  He explained the horse I was riding was so sensitive that she didn’t need a bridle. I could actually guide her by shifting in the saddle or a gentle nudge with my knee.  As we rode we discussed how that is a great word picture of how Romans 8:14 identifies sensitivity as an essential mark of being a “son of God” or a Christ-centered believer. This is also the condition that will bring us the most joy.

I recently attended an event that focused on recalibration.  That is defined as going back to the roots, the original mission or fundamentals and realigning what has gotten out of line.  The speaker, Troy Jones, pointed out it is essential for a person, business or organization to continually recalibrate.  Interestingly, when a person does, new out of alignment issues emerge that need to also go through the recalibration process.  It became obvious that I needed to recalibrate several areas of my life; my devotional life, my marriage, my time management, and especially my personal intimacy with God.

If your goal is to get a just little closer to God in the next months or year, you may read your Bible or serve others a little more or attend church more regularly.  But if you set your goal to experience the joy of knowing Him well enough that you respond quickly to His gentle nudge, you will be far more aggressive in making serious changes in your attitude or lifestyle.  The great news is, this type of relationship is very doable.

If this sounds interesting, here’s God’s invitation to you.  Psalm 32:8-9 (NKJV) “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle…”

Remember as a child when you started to do something wrong and mom gave you ‘that look’?  Or, that rush of youth adrenaline when that gorgeous guy/gal gave you that certain look that told you she/he had an interest in you too?  It was just Jesus’ look that caused Peter to go out and weep bitterly!

God says the alternative to being sensitive to just a look from God would be the “bit and bridle” which a horseperson knows means ‘pain’!  My friend explained that a horse doesn’t like the pain, so they sometimes will position the bit between their teeth to minimize the pain the rider might inflict to get their attention and change directions.  Could it be we use rationalization or justification to minimize the pain God has to use to get us to change directions?

I can’t speak for you, but I know in my case, I’ve been guilty of getting ‘the bit between my teeth’ only to find my way didn’t turn out the way I had hoped.  I am recommitting myself to paying more attention to God’s eyes, so I can go where and when He knows I need to go.  How about you?

Can God Use Me?

How often do you consider your strengths and weakness when taking a job or assignment?  Does God consider our strengths and weakness when giving us an assignment?

Consider this, Jeremiah 18:6 (ESV) “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the LORD. Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.”

We are like clay—just clay.  Clay has no mind of its own, not plans or aspirations that may come with an opportunity.  It is just clay that is pliable and otherwise totally submissive to the one who holds it.  Is it the clay that creates the ministry, attracts the crowd, grants salvation?

Are we like the servant in Mt. 20:15 who became angry at the master for paying the late comers the same as those who had worked all day.  Do we have the right to tell God what we will or will not do, then become angry because He chose to ask us to do something we said we would not do?  I’ve done that—more than once!  However, the Bible tells us in Romans 11:34 (ESV) “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” Romans 9:20-21 (ESV) But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?”  Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?   2 Corinthians 4:7 (ESV) But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

Could it be that when God chooses you He chooses you because you are weak in the area He wants to use you in.  If He chose you because of your natural strength, would you have been tempted to lean more on your gifting than the gift giver.  That is not to say God will always do that because that isn’t always the case.   However, it is not for you or I, the clay, to tell God what we will or will not do.  The ‘gifts-test’ do not necessarily tell us what God will ask us to do.  Know this, if God is the one who calls you, He is the one who will empower you to do something that is outside your wheelhouse.

God used “dust” (Gen. 2:7) to shape you, not gold dust, just plain dust!!  Just as He used “dust” and his spittle to heal the blind man’s eyes (Jn. 9:6) and used dust in which to write a message (Jn. 8:8), He wants to use you to communicate His word and work His miracles.

If you are like me and your tendency is to first look at how your clay is shaped before you seriously consider obeying God’s request.  If so, take time to remind yourself that you are just the clay vessel He made and can use as He sees fit.  Will you join with me in seeking to maintain a humble attitude? God can work His power through your weakness just as easily as He can use your strength.

Best Position for 2018

Age can have its benefits—especially when you can see patterns in hind sight.

It has been said I have a Type A personality.  I don’t know if that is true or not.  What I’m sure is true, is I work hard at trying to finish a task.  I’m not always sure if it has always been a God-assigned task or one I thought might be His, but regardless I went ‘all in’ to accomplish the task I thought was assigned by Him.

One of the reasons for my uncertainty of who assigned the task is because I can exercise my will-power, my giftings (limited as they are) and my energy to the point I feel more anxious in doing it than is characteristic of our Lord.  In my drive to accomplish those tasks and to slip the boat into dock the right way, I now see I may have inadvertently tried to control people and situations.  Unfortunately, I suspect I unintentionally bruised or at least caused more stress to others in the process.  I truly regret this.

The more I’ve learned about God and His ways in Scripture, the more I have trusted Him and found His peace in the journey.  This has resulted in me letting go of the controls more and simply waiting for Him to bring me safely into the ‘boat dock’.

As we’ve launched into 2018, one of the things I’ve learned from God and His word is that if I focus on what He deems to be the main things, the other things will fall into place.  I found that the critical thing I need to do is not as hard as I once envisioned.  Actually, it is so simple ANYONE has the capacity to do it and do it very well.

God explains salvation in Ezekiel 36:25-27 is when He gives us a new heart, new spirit and puts His Spirit within us as well.  The result is we a strong desire to carefully obey His rules and mission.  Fascinating study!!  Our part is then to simply nurture that desire as we might feed a smoldering ember or flickering flame in a fireplace.  When we do, the desire He puts in our spirit will lead us to do His will or whatever brings Him pleasure.

That belief is based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:6 (ESV) “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”  The defining difference between having God in one’s head, in contrast to their spirit, can be reduced down to one word, ‘desire’!!  And if we actually allow the ‘desire’ He put within us for His righteousness to literally lead us, we will experience an abundant life!!

Jesus said, Matthew 6:33 (NLT) “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”  The Holy Spirit had Paul add clarity to that principle by having Him write, Philippians 2:13 (NLT) “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

Oh, why didn’t I get that 50 years ago??!!   Let’s live out 2018 this way together.

Who is Imitating You?

To give my daughter some respite, her boys spent the night with us.  I awoke about 2 am with my grandson standing near our bed.  When I asked him what he needed he said “I can’t sleep.”  He had developed this habit the last several nights.  It had come from an unhealthy root that needed to be addressed—but not at that time of the night!  His dad had suddenly died 4 years ago leaving him feeling unsecure.  I supported him as I would my son and eventually ended up taking him back to where he was sleeping with his younger brother and fell asleep there with them.

I sensed I needed to try to imprint his young mind with a picture of how good and big God is compared to his unconscious fears that plagued him at night.  But how??  My ability with words is not dynamic enough to make that kind of an imprint.

Two mornings later in my time with God He brought to my mind a verse I had read many times, studied and no doubt preached on in my past.  However, for whatever reason I never connected the dots in this verse with those like that of my 10-year-old grandson.  In the previous verses Jesus was speaking to the multitude and his disciples telling them not to do what the hypocritical, religious leaders were telling them to do but not doing themselves!  Imagine teaching people in your community not to do what the pastors in the other churches were telling them to do!  That would go over like a lead balloon.   No wonder these dudes hated Jesus!!

Speaking of them Jesus said Matthew 23:9 (NLT) And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your spiritual Father.  The context of what He was teaching was to not compare the religious leaders or anyone to God—not even their fathers!  Wow!  Most all of our earthly fathers have influenced the picture we have painted in our minds of what God is like.  My grandson had inadvertently taken one sad experience with his earthly father and painted it into the picture in his mind of God.  We can fault him but that was all he knew to do!!!  And that is all those we lead know to do unless we can clearly teach them otherwise.

I am very sobered when I read James 3:1 (NLT) Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.  We are the only example of God they see and hear—unless we clearly and carefully teach them to develop a habit of meditating on the Word and hearing His whispers themselves.  I realize my son-in-law wasn’t able to teach his 6-year-old son to do that so that is left for me to teach him.  I must step to the plate and with the Holy Spirit’s help say as Paul wrote, 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NIV) Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.  That means I must allow him see my victories along with my failures and how to say from my heart to God and man, “I’m very sorry!”.  How else can they learn to see my humanity along with my anointing and how to repent when my humanity is less than righteous?  Just a couple days ago I had to say to this grandson I was very sorry from my heart.  How have you been doing with the many eyes that are watching and following you?  With God’s help in 2018 we will become more like our Lord and others will follow our example of humbly following Him.

A Fresh Christmas Spirit

How long does the excitement of the Christmas story, a prized Christmas gift, a new house or car, or even an engagement ring or new born baby to your family last?  …maybe 1-2 years?  I’ve been married to the most wonderful lady for over 50 years.  But as the years passed, I inadvertently began to take her for granted.  I suspect I subconsciously began to think ‘I’ve got this marriage-thing down, so I don’t have to try as hard.  I can now focus on other things.’  The result: I become less sensitive to her needs and our relationship loses its luster.  She has ways to remind me of that. When I finally wake up, I reflect back on all she means to me and my sensitivity gauge becomes more alert.

2 Corinthians 11:3 (GNB) “I am afraid that your minds will be corrupted and that you will abandon your full and pure devotion to Christ—in the same way that Eve was deceived by the snake’s clever lies.” I doubt anyone would deliberately abandon their devotion to Christ but do they inadvertently allow their mind to be corrupted and then deceived to the point they commitment spiritual adultery in their relationship with God?

Perhaps Christmas can serve as a gauge to measure how we might have allowed our minds to be corrupted.  I’ve seen the Christmas creche multiple times in programs or in front yards and read and heard the Christmas story told more than a 1000 times over the years.  I have the story down fairly well by now.  It has now lost some of its awe and luster.  How about you?  So, do you think just maybe our minds could have inadvertently become corrupt in our full and pure devotion to Christ?

If I separate the physical, external aspect of the Christmas story from the spiritual meaning of the story, I would have to admit that at least the physical aspect of advent has become corrupted because the creche has lost its awe-inspiring effect on me.  On the other hand, if I consider my internal sense of a felt need for undeserved favor (grace), which is what Christmas is really all about, my passion quickly begins to affect my emotions.  When I pause to reflect on my total depravity and my desperate need for God’s grace and mercy, I find myself again in awe of what Christmas is all about whether it is viewed from God’s perspective or my human one.

I pray each reader will take the time this year, before their gifts are opened, to dial down and refocus.  Meditate long enough on the gravity of their personal sin along with the spiritual meaning of God’s gift in Christmas, to feel a breath of the freshness of awe and wonder again.  I believe it can give a refreshing shot of life to your full and pure devotion to Christ this season that will result in experiencing again His joy and hope.  Enjoy a very blessed Christmas!

Why So Long?

God’s ways can be very mystifying!! When He had planned for us to be reconciled to Him long before Adam and Eve even sinned, why did He wait 4 millenniums after they sinned to send the Christ-child and set His plan into motion?  I don’t know, nor do I need to know God’s reasons.  I’m sure there were many very good ones.  I do know the Bible says, But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law… Galatians 4:4 (ESV) What did “the fullness of time” mean?  It sounds like a farmer who, after planting the seeds, has to patiently wait for “the fullness of time” when the seed reaches maturity.  What kind of maturation had to happen before He would send “His Son”?

1,000 yrs. before Jesus came, there was no common language that would enable many nationalities to hear about Jesus. Providentially through the conquests of Alexander the Great, the Greek language was introduced as the common international language of that time.

1,000 yrs. before this there were pirates on the seas and a very poor road system.  Travel was very limited, so very few people would hear about the truths Jesus would teach.  The Roman Emperor Augustus finally brought peace to this vast area after centuries of warfare.  The Roman navy swept pirates off the seas making maritime commerce and travel safe.  In the 2nd century B.C. the Romans began establishing 50,000 miles of well-built roads which they thought was for commerce, but God ordained for His agenda.

The fascinating part is even though selfish, godless men were involved, God used their selfishness to bring about His plan—even when those He used never came to know Him in a personal way!  His truth marches on no matter what!

Another perplexing thing is, after He did send His Son and Christ Jesus finished His assignment, why does He continue to wait before we are fully reunited with Him?  Romans 8:29 explains ‘it ain’t over till’ those fully committed to Him are “conformed to the image of His Son!”

In high school I didn’t know my future occupation, but I did vow I would never be a pastor.  When God first whispered to my inner being that He wanted me to be a pastor, I negotiated with Him and we agreed I would work as a pastor of worship and youth but nothing more!  I highly suspect God had a grin on His face when we agreed on that.  He had a lot of ‘shaping’ to do.

Little did I know then that after God shaped me by leading me to go through innumerable learning experiences, THEN He would orchestrate for me to do what I am doing now!  Sorry to say I’ve been so hard headed that I have had to be goaded hard to move on to the next ‘classroom’.  But what a fascinating journey!  I know I need a lot more transformation in order to be in the full stature of our Lord.  I do wonder what experience He plans to take me through next. I’m certainly ready if it helps me to be more like Him!   I’ve also learned it is naivety to think life is all about our assigned task.  The reality is He uses our assignments to shape us into the likeness of His Son.

How have you been doing in your journey?  Have you had to take extra laps around the track having failed to learn from an experience or two like me?  Perhaps you are in the midst of one right now!   Whatever the case, I suspect you are closer to the “fulness of time” when your life’s dream will be fulfilled—you will be enough in His likeness for Him to take you to be with Him.


On the surface, what do you think Christmas means to most Americans?  They probably know the storyline but in their day to day living, what does this time of the year look like?  For those in business it is a time for making money.  For those serving in a non-profit, it is a time for asking for money.  For the average person, it is about Christmas carols, shopping for gifts, putting up lights & decorations, going to or hosting parties, attending programs, etc. which is a mixed bag of fun and frustration.  In the hectic pace of the season, even the most devout Christian can become so distracted with busyness they are unable to focus much on the real meaning of Christmas.  And for that matter, are we sure we know the real meaning of Christmas?

 We are told to try to look at life through God’s eyes so let’s give that a try.  Here is what we know.  God created humanity and it was “good.”  As time progressed, His creation violated the simple rule He gave them which is commonly referred to as ‘the fall of man’.  Genesis 6:6 NLT “So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart.”  He had made a plan so the humans who responded to His invitation could be forgiven and become close friends with Him. That plan is the objective of what we call Christmas.  That plan was great for humanity, as the angel said to the shepherds and the angelic choir sang. On the other hand, His incredible gift came as an excruciating sacrifice to Him!  Are any of us up for offering our child to die for others, many of whom could care less about this act of sacrificial love?   Imagine what Christmas may have felt like when, in the fullness of time the ‘day’ came for God to execute His well laid plan.

We normally think of the Passion of Jesus (Easter) as the time God sacrificed so much for us.  Of course, the Father and Holy Spirit agonized when they saw the Son endure what He did—but in just a few moments this ugly pain would be over, and Christ would return to Heaven!  Imagine His anticipation!

How do you think the Father felt when His Son left Heaven knowing the rejection and all the pain the Son would have to endure?  How do you feel when you send your child off to go into the military?  Don’t you at least cringe a bit.

How do you imagine Christ felt when He left the splendor of Heaven, laid aside all the divine attributes that made Him God so He could ‘wake up’ as the totally helpless, human baby Jesus in a stinky, dirty shelter with animals around you? Not even an angel had been drug through that ‘knot hole’ and out the other side.  Can you imagine President Trump, or any human monarch or Prime Minister, humbling him/herself to go through this?  Paul described it this way, Philippians 2:6-8 NLT Though he [Christ Jesus] was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges [laid aside His divine attributes]; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God [the King] and died a criminal’s death on a cross.”

So, what does Christmas really mean?  Are we to try to think of this from God’s perspective?  If so, how might that affect how we celebrate this Christmas?   I can’t control what Christmas means to others.  But I can affect the way I celebrate what I know as Christmas.  I sense a very mixed bag of emotions, sort of like when your ailing parent or child goes to be with our Lord.  I have an element of true joy, but mixed with a heavy dose of deep humility and gratitude.  How about you?