The Hidden Garden

An acquaintance of my 10-year-old grandson stole $20 out of Izac’s bedroom while stopping there after school.  Another boy with them later felt guilty enough to persuade the thief to return the money.  As time progressed, the boy who had stolen the money began to bully the other friend into doing more dishonest and unethical things.  Finally, parents stepped in to stop the abuse, but there has been no remorse from the instigator.  I find it sobering how a heart that will manipulate others to get what they want is so developed at such a young age.

Prov. 11:1 (NLT) God detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights.  Most would agree with this simple, but just, proverb.  Later He again inspired Solomon to repeat that concept in Proverbs 20:10 (NLT) False weights and unequal measures— the LORD detests double standards of every kind. Why would God hate dishonest scales when they cannot affect Him?  Or do they in ways I haven’t yet seen?  I found a clue in Hosea 12:7 (NLT) …the people are like crafty merchants selling from dishonest scales— they love to cheat.  Is there any correlation between my grandson’s friend’s stealing and a person who uses dishonest scales?  Yes!  Both involve a person taking their own initiative to reach out and grasp what they want instead of trusting God’s wisdom and generosity.

Therein lies the glitch!!  Since God clearly wants us to love and trust Him to provide wisdom or any other provision for us, He takes offense when we presumptuously take things into our own hands to satisfy our desires without seeking His guidance and waiting on His provisions.  So, in God’s eyes, resorting to dishonest scales is an affront to His authority.

I remembered the movie “The Secret Garden” where a 10-year-old finds the hidden passage into a secret garden buried in the undergrowth.  Could it be that buried beneath God’s hatred of dishonest scales is the hidden passage way into God’s secret garden of His fullness of joy?  Wow!  If so, it would be found in a juxtaposition to what dishonest scales represent. This would at least suggest the ‘hidden passage way’ into God’s garden of joy, significance, confidence is learning to submit to God’s wisdom and timing then wait patiently on Him.

What humanly contrived devices have you and I been seduced to attempt to use in order to attain ‘success’ when God doesn’t seem to be giving us what we want when we want it?  Do we seek better leadership skills, faddish looks, greater positional power or other human means in order to attract the attention of the world we want?  It is not that any of these are necessarily inherently wrong in themselves because God gave men in the Bible such things.  However, they become wrong when we seek them instead of seeking to hear God’s whisper and wait patiently on Him to provide.  This is thought provoking!

Sorry to say, I have resorted to using some form of manipulation (bullying) to get what I wanted.  I’ve since observed that if I find myself trying to force something to happen, more often than not I am disappointed with the results.  On the other hand, the more I trust and wait on God to provide what is best for me, the greater joy, significance, fulfillment of life I have.  I realize with fresh clarity the truth of Jesus’ words Matthew 6:33 (NIV) But seek first his kingdom [sovereign rule] and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


Memory is perplexing.  How is it that some have incredible recall while others have to be reminded?  Some remember details while other like me remember concepts.  I’ve been intrigued in my Bible meditations how often God calls the early Hebrews to ‘remember’ and understanding why that is.  In just the book of Deuteronomy, the NIV records 16 times God calling the people to remember!   It wasn’t because they could not recall an incident like the parting of the Red Sea.  Rather, I suspect it was because the people failed to remember what the incident was telling them about who God was and their relationship with Him—not just what He did.

God knew humanity had a memory problem because of the fall.  He even told them how to jog their memories by having them tie tassels with blue cords on the corners of their garments.  When they saw the tassels, they would remember to obey all His commandments (Nu. 15:39-40).

In Deuteronomy 8:1-5 He commands the Hebrews to remember what He had done to humble them, etc.  In the next chapter He commands them to “remember and never forget” the effect their rebellion had on Him.  Later in Isaiah 17:10 He explains to them how disaster will happen to them because you have forgotten the God of your salvation…and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge.”

In Jesus’ day, the people saw His signs and wonders, heard His teachings, some actually walked with Him, yet they did not remember the significance of what He did and said or what they sensed while they walked with Him.  Today we have had personal encounters with the Holy Spirit and we have seen Him do marvelous things in our lives or in the lives of those around us—just like the Hebrews.  Like the Hebrews we remember the incidents, even asking God to show us more of them because they titillate our sensations.  But we fail to remember the spiritual significance of those encounters and acts of God in our lives.  It begs the question, Why?

Children remember the fun things they get to experience.  I’ve also observed a child who doesn’t have the opportunity to spend time with their dad (for example), will specifically remember the bonding relationship they felt when they did something fun together.   From that I’ve learned…

  • What God wants me to remember is not just the sensation of the encounter with Him or the sign or wonder I experienced or observed, but more importantly what those delightful experiences said to me about who He is and the intimacy of our relationship.
  • My love for God must be deep enough to motivate me to identify ‘tassels’ in my life that will help me refocus on God, yet not allow those ‘tassels’ to become the end in themselves. While spiritual disciplines bring me closer to God, I cannot allow a spiritual discipline to become an end in itself.
  • Lastly, instead of just reacting to an expression of God’s grace to me, I hope to be able to apply this principle by looking beyond the sensation of the experience to see it as an expression of His loving relationship with me.

How well is your recall aligned with your relationship with your Father God?

God of the Impossible

Do you struggle with anxious feelings?  Are you pleased with the level of trust you have in God?  Do you long for greater trust and confidence in Him, the kind that would calm your anxious heart?  How have you reconciled God’s love and mercy with His justice and righteousness?  Do you see a different God in the Old Testament from that in the New Testament?  I’ve come to the conclusion that such confusions are a reflection of the distorted image we have painted in our minds of who God is.

As I have reflected my way through Scripture in recent years I’ve been awestruck with God’s sovereignty!  That revelation to me has resulted in my love and trust of God striding to higher levels.  I find myself with less anxiety and need to control as well as significantly greater confidence in my daily experiences.

In Isaiah 13 God is saying what He is going to do to Babylon, the city that He once used as His servant to discipline His children, Judah.  He had allowed the Babylonians to brutally kill many of the Hebrews but also marched many back to Babylon.  With that painful action now accomplished, He “calls up an army against Babylon.”  It is noteworthy that God does not judge them for their brutal treatment of His children (Judah) but rather, He almost annihilates them for their PRIDE!!  It wasn’t about their deeds but their prideful, arrogant heart and attitude!  We typically think God is more upset with our bad deeds: adultery, killing or abusing others, theft, etc. when in reality, while those are definitely wrong He is far more concerned with what is within us, our prideful hearts!  It is sobering to think of how that intangible comes out in various ways in saints and sinners alike!!

What intrigued me the most about this part of the prophecy was how God brought about this judgment on Babylon.  It was similar to how He managed to get the animals into Noah’s ark.  He somehow put an intuitive GPS in each selected animal.  Each animal then simply followed His guidance system.  In this case, God put the thought in the mind of otherwise contentious leaders of various nations, to attack Babylon.  The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will. Proverbs 21:1 (ESV)  These nations were anything but God-followers, yet they were unknowingly drawn together by God’s Spirit to fulfill His purpose.  This explains why God called them “my sanctified ones”.  In light of how impossible it has been to get a coalition army to wipe out ISIS or Al Qaida, what God did here in gathering men who didn’t even know Him to fulfill His purpose is absolutely awe inspiring to me!!!  When this dawned on me, I was overcome with stunning amazement and reverence!!!

If God can do something this complex and impossible, when I question God’s ability to work ANY miracle and consider what He did here, I find myself humbly silenced.  Perhaps that is how Job felt when God revealed Himself in Job 42:8.   I now feel more like I felt as a boy handing my dad tools he requested or sanding a few spots as my dad restored antique cars.  I didn’t have to know what or how my dad may be doing things.  In the same way, I don’t have to know God’s reasoning or methods.  I only need to do what relatively small tasks He asks me to do as He works.  I have voluntarily surrendered my will and am trusting in His Sovereignty.

Wrestling with God

Recently a friend told me of his visits with an avowed Atheist.  The person was a professor who had thrown a Bible in the trash on the first day of each of his classes.  He obsessively railed on Christians in classes sending some Christians out of the room in tears.  But now when facing death, fear of his consequences was overwhelming him!  Interesting, but sad!!  His excess attitude and behavior now revealed he had been wrestling with God within himself, refused to acknowledge God and now feared the consequence!

Like Jacob of old, we all wrestle with personalized conscience issues—things we intuitively know we are to do but don’t want to do and justify not doing it.  The harder we fight, the more miserable we become and the more it shows.

When I started college, God was gently calling me into His work, but I had vowed I would not go there.  Few if any at college knew my inner battle but eventually it began to show in my date life with Connie.   Occasionally Connie caught a bruise in the wrestling and it really confused her.  A glimpse of what I was wrestling with was revealed by the Holy Spirit during her prayer time.

My sophomore year I finally negotiated an agreement to only lead music and youth in a church. My jostling continued but at a less intense level.  To be totally candid, my issue was my independence!   I’m not proud of that but only trying to explain how we all have our wrestling matches with God and that was mine.  Before it was over, God had to ‘take me behind the proverbial woodshed’ and essentially break me of what I now see as the very antithesis of Christianity–independence.

I can’t be certain, but it seems David may have been describing this wrestling issue when he wrote Psalm 13:2-3 (NIV) How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?  Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death.  I don’t know what David’s particular issue was. That isn’t important. What it says here is that he wrestled within himself. That describes what I, and many others, have felt or experienced. When we can’t sense the joy and peace of His presence, we often resort to wrestling within our souls to get it—our way.   But, our wrestling doesn’t give us the solace we are longing to have—it only aggravates our misery.

My wrestling revealed to me what I valued more than God—my independence.  And when I finally acknowledged that fact and completely surrendered myself to God, my wrestling faded.  Job was put to this same test for an extended period of time.  He was able to get past his loss of children, wealth and even health, but he could not get past his loss of reputation.  The book by his name records how he wrestled over that with God.  After his encounter with God, in deep humility he surrendered to God’s sovereign authority.  He then received a double blessing and his wrestling dissolved.

Maybe I now get it!  When I wrestle within, it is of my own making!  It is my first clue I am out of alignment with God’s will for my life.  I am actually wrestling with God over who is going to control that area of my life.  Grateful, I wrestle less today than I did 50 years ago.  What are you wrestling with God about?  How is it going for you?

“I Know”

It is a challenge trying to be a surrogate dad!  I have 8 grandchildren.  I love all of them but two of the younger boys experienced the death of their father about 4 years so they need more out of me as a father figure than the rest.  One, Izac, is 10 and the other (Elijah – ‘Lij’) is 4 years old.  Lij is full of energy.  While he has a very good heart, he sometimes has a hard time remembering to be ‘good’.  Izac has been in the stage where he talks like a sophomore in High School or college when you try to tell him something.  Actually, adults are still thinking that way even if they don’t say it.  He has down those already famous words, “I know” no matter what the issue may be!  I forget that I still think and say those words.  And then I get a bit frustrated when I’m trying to teach him something and he says those notorious words!  I wonder if I subconsciously do that same thing to God??

Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV) Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.  Hum!  God is saying to us there is safety in seeking to get sufficient counsel.  What might that be saying to us about the kind of God we serve?  One thing it says to me is He has chosen the counsel of others to keep us safe.  I assume that means safe in business deals, maintaining our health, learning skills in life and, yes, safe from all the heresies and skewed teaching floating around these day.

But why did He design us to NEED counsel from others?  After all, when we already ‘know it’, we are just wasting our time studying and asking others.  Or, did He design us to be incomplete in ourselves and need others for a strategic reason–to make us complete when we collaborate with others.  Each person has a different perspective and truth frequently lies between the two extreme views.   It is like each of us are a part of a big puzzle.  We need as many pieces we can get in order to get a better grasp of the true picture.

I guess you can say, the very willingness to seek and accept advice demonstrates wisdom.  While it is true, too much advice or over-analysis can hinder the planning process, more advice is usually better than less.  This is a reminder that humility is a sign of wisdom.  And, that it is wise to seek advice from as broad of base as is practical, including those who see things differently than me or even those I falsely judge as being “inferior” to me.

Why has it taken me so long to even get to kindergarten in this ‘needing others’ thing!  I find I’m still more like my 10-year-old grandson than my age shows.  Sadly, I am still silently thinking it, if not saying it in some veneered fashion, “I know”—when I don’t know it all!!!  Gratefully, the Holy Spirit has finally cracked my nut enough so now I have come to the place I am seeking to see through other people’s eyes—more often than in the past.

I hope you are farther down this path of needing the counsel of others than I am.

How Can I Know God Better?

Raised in Sunday School and church I began reading through the Bible each year.  I remember checking the little square boxes as I completed the chapters.  Later I added intermittent journaling of interesting thoughts I read.  I found such satisfaction with God practicing this habit it became my spiritual security blanket. To be candid, it was so comforting I was afraid if I ever stopped doing it I would fall spiritually as other preachers had done.

In my time with God about 15 years ago, a few of David’s words captured my attention.  Psalm 9:10 (NLT) Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD, do not abandon those who search for you.  I intuitively sensed God had an important truth here for me.  It was the words those who know your name trust in you… that gripped me.  I trusted God but not as much as I would like.  I was confused because it didn’t appear to say how to trust more.  Then it dawned on me, the ‘how to’ was in that verse!  My investment to knowing God more fully would result in greater trust.  He was inviting me to take initiative to seek to more about who He was; not just His title, gifts or what He said or did.  Wow!!  My hunger to know God more personally became greater than my fear of falling away from Him.  I took the leap, stopped my routine Bible reading and obeyed His gentle whisper to trust Him to keep me close to Him.

I found this principle to be true.  If I want more of God I must give Him more of me. That was a bargain so I gladly gave Him more of me.  I felt an urgency to discover what a passage was telling me about who God is; His character, values, ways and whatever else He might reveal. These revelations then humbled me, forcing me to acknowledge my total depravity and what I needed to do in response to these findings.  To my delight and amazement, I discovered my investment resulted in a deeper love for God and His Word—greater than I could have imagined.  It was almost like I was born again!!

A Biblical example of this principle was when God told Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 to …subdue [the earth]; and have dominion over [it].  He didn’t just give them dominion.  They had to first invest personal initiative and struggle to subdue it but it was worth it.  Then they had to maintain dominion over it.  A similar example is when He engaged the Hebrews in the process of learning to know God to truly be God Almighty.  Exodus 10:1-2 (ESV) Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your grandson how I have dealt harshly with the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD.”   Fascinating!  Through passage like these I could see why I’ve had to truly invest myself in seeking.

My habitually reading of the Bible had been vital!   It had taught me the balancing essentials that I needed to reduce my chances of misinterpreting what I read.  However, I had only skimmed the surface issues of what He said and did, totally missing His ways, values, or character.  Life-change has continued to come as I spend time prayerfully meditating on His Word.  His Spirit frequently responds by revealing more of who God is and His heart, not just what He did/does or doesn’t do.  My trust level, joy, peace and personal confidence are all significantly stronger today.  So is my passion for Him and His Word.  My future blogs will consist of more of my discoveries when reflecting on His Word.

When God Disappoints You

Growing up my dad planted churches.   Bruised by what people said and did to my parents I vowed many times I would never be a preacher.  That set my expectations about my future.  When I intuitively sensed God call me to be a minister we had a serious wrestling match!!  He was forcing me to ignore my past hurts and go back into the fire when my desire was to be a business executive.

Through that experience I was able to identify with Cain’s feelings in his encounter with God in Genesis 4.  Much debate has transpired about why God ‘rejected’ Cain’s offering.  Many believe it was because it wasn’t a ‘blood sacrifice’.   After assuming that concept for decades, it finally dawned on me God did not confront Cain about his “offering”.   God confronted Cain about how he responded when God chose not to smile on his offering.  I suspect my confrontation with God was of a similar nature!  I’m confident everyone has had ‘run ins’ with God when He messed with their plans.

God asked Cain,

Gen. 4:6 (NKJV) “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?”

Did you catch that? God did not ask why Cain brought a grain offer, His asked him about what was going on within him.  I suspect God’s rejection of Cain’s offering was more of a ‘set up’ to help Cain see his own self-centeredness and pride because that is what quickly came to the surface.  Cain’s decision at this point would determine the path his future would take.  Would Cain humble himself and seek God’s wisdom and approval or would he let his bruised ego drive him from God?

God put it this way,

Genesis 4:7 (NLT) “You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

Think of this!  One single decision would determine his future.  That was exactly what I agonized over years ago and actually many times since then.  Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler boiled down to the same issue.  (Mt. 19: 16-22)

About five years ago, Connie and I had retirement on our minds when God walked in on our expectations with these words, ‘Are you saying you won’t ___’ (what He had placed before me).  I had never before experienced the intensity of agony I experienced in this wrestling match with God!  Because of what I had learned when God called me into ministry, I chose to submit to God’s choice for our future.  Through that I have discovered greater trust in God’s Sovereignty.

If you can identify with encounters when God’s plans collide with your plans, consider the negative consequences of Cain’s response to God sovereign choice for him.   If you have made choices to do things your way instead of God’s, please know that as long as you are breathing it is in your best eternal interest to humbly turn around (“repent”) and go back to that moment of decision; deny your pride and this time commit to choosing to do whatever God orchestrates for you to do from that day forward.  You will never regret it!

Thank You for Clicking Through

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The Below Article is the same one that was published in the Minister’s update:

When I first entereministry one of the staff pastors I worked with quoted an old saying, “familiarity breeds contempt.”  I have found that to be true in many situations, but especially with people.  When a person becomes familiar with a place or object, it may not always breed contempt but more often than not it breeds ‘blindness’—we see and/or hear but ignore the person or whatever the situation might be. What were nice decorations in your home lose their appeal after several months. Perhaps that is why God created seasons.  Whatever the case, it happens and it has stuck in my mind since I first heard that phrase.

In that light, I’ve been counseled a couple times that sending out our Updates weekly tend to make them so routine people may see them in their email box, maybe even open them but not really read them.  A few guys thought a better solution might be to change the ‘publishing’ of our Updates to monthly (extra when something really significant needs to be communicated) and begin a blog in which to share my thoughts.  I’ve never read a blog much less written one but I want to keep changing if it will help me better communicate.