My last blog focused on an enlightening translation of the original Hebrew word translated “mind” in the verse, You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you (Isaiah 26:3, ESV). The gold found in digging was the word mind here is more often translated imagination which occurs before your words are even clearly shaped in your mind. It was pointed out how the imagination is often discounted as not important, but it is really one of the greatest gifts God has given you, and it should be devoted to Him.
In digging more deeply, another gold nugget in that verse is the perfect peace which is the promised consequence of the imagination (mind) stayed on God.
The Hebrew word stayed used in Isaiah 26:3 essentially means choosing to risk one’s life trusting in God’s capacity and commitment to sustain them. It would be as intense as a trapeze artist completely committing him/herself to a balance beam and a cable to hold them up 25 stories above the ground as they walk between two buildings. A mind (imagination) stayed on Him, which will require initiative, would be like metal attracted to a magnet that snaps back to imagining close communications with Him as soon as the mind is released from the distraction and allowed to idle down. In the natural this happens when a person is emotionally charged with buying a new car or house or meeting a new friend but must go to a mind demanding job. But as soon as they get off work, they again begin thinking of the new car, house or friend.
Dreaming is fun, but it must include initiative in order for there to be more than the pleasure of fantasy. When initiative is combined with imagination, together they generate creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects that actualize their objectives. The fruit of that synergy is so gratifying in that it provides you a high sense of significance.
This is taken to a much higher level when, out of close fellowship with God, a divine revelation component is added. Our human imagination can lead to misguided actions which lead to experiencing exhaustion and sapping life. When His imagination is added, we are enabled to see life with fresh eyes. Hosea 2:14-15 shows us that times of trouble and desert experiences can help us unlearn misguided dreams and perceptions and produce in us dynamic hope and real faith. More importantly, His Spirit also brings His perfect peace and presence which provide a level of confidence that will endure whatever fire or flood we may experience.
Can you imagine being that dependent upon God to provide you with His wisdom in the choices you make or in the words you think and speak? This offers me hope!! By turning my imagination loose to envision myself seated in Christ in Heaven, my mind is renewed to the point He becomes everything to me. He begins to live and move and have my being. As His child I naturally lean on His love and wisdom and thereby experience the promised peace of mind. Learning to habitually imagine myself in Christ gives me greater confidence, strength and energy and even love for others. To think I can receive all that by just taking the initiative to have my mind stayed on the One I love is astonishing. It is inspiring to think my imagination will never be at the mercy of my impulses but will always be at the service of God.
This is sooo good! I love your gift of teaching!!!!!
Thank you. Grateful God has loaned it to me to use for His kingdom.
I totally agree, Mary Lou! And, thank you Bob, for continuing to use that gift in this venue!!
Thank you for your encouraging words.