I have been listening to the book Harbinger II by Johnathan Cahn. He leaves a reader with some interesting things to ponder. One thing is certain God’s judgement on America is coming. It has left me asking, ‘What constitutes an authentic connection with God?’
Paul pastored a church in Ephesus for a couple years. While there, an unusually intense revival occurred when many brought several million dollars’ worth of magic art books to a public book burning. It is thought Epaphras was converted there and later started a church in nearby Colossae. Only about 33 years later, in Revelation 2:1-7 the apostle John records a very thought-provoking vision to this same church family. To them Jesus commended their right spiritual activities but also said they had somehow lost connection with the vine (cf. John 15:5-6). Their love for God had degenerated into simply going through empty and hollow Christian motions. Therefore, Jesus told them to either repent and go back to their first love for Him or He would totally remove their connection with Him. Wow! Jesus is telling us that doing all the Christian duties without passion for Him does not qualify as authentic connection with Him.
Jesus also told those who were prophesying, casting out demons and performing many miracles, I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness (Matthew 7:23, ESV). This tells us independently doing supernatural works does not necessarily qualify as authentic connection with Him. This illustrates Jesus’ words You are the ones who make yourselves look right in other people’s sight, but God knows your hearts. For the things that are considered of great value by human beings are worth nothing in God’s sight (Luke 16:15, (GNB)
Paul later wrote in 1 Corinthians 8:2-3 that Bible knowledge itself does not qualify as authentic connection with Him. John wrote And this is eternal life, that they know [euphemism for sexual relations in the New Testament – knowledge that motivates automatic obedience] you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent (John 17:3, ESV). Having one encounter with the Holy Spirit is not the same as intimately knowing Christ.
It is sobering when I think of how many who carry the umbrella of “Christian” are disconnected from authentic Christianity. These are the ones who, at the end of the day the Harbinger book describes is coming, will be shocked, probably angry at God, when they discover the slippery grace they had embraced did not make the ‘cut’ and they are left behind.
There can be no real spiritual health without intimate knowledge and connection with God or if it is sought after with the wrong purpose and valued by the wrong standard. 2 Corinthians 13:5 reads Examine yourselves to see whether you are still in the Christian faith. Test yourselves! Don’t you recognize that you are people in whom Jesus Christ lives? Could it be that you’re failing the test? (GW) Paul explains communion is one time to practice this self-examination.
While the Harbinger II book is far from perfect, it did point out that we are no doubt in the midst of God’s overdue judgement on America’s rebellious sin against Him. With rampant abortion, hostility towards God and His laws, pandemic (plague), broad based division and anarchy, huge fires, etc., it appears probable His judgment has begun. If ever there is a time when we need to have certainty that we have an authentic connection with our Lord, NOW is the time. If you are uncertain, find someone whose attitude and demeanor confirms they are authentically connected to God and ask them to help you become connected or reconnected with God Almighty.
wow PB, I cant tell you how much this hit home. in fact I was looking around my neighborhood to see if you were spying on me. Pray with me for my heart to be totally devoted to Jesus the Lamb.