Necessary Changes

Changes are hard when they are not my idea.  When Connie and I married, we came into the relationship with a suitcase full of selfish expectations.  Like every other newlywed, we struggled to adjust to the diverse ways we spent money, our preferred taste of food, relationships with others, sexual expressions and the list goes on.  Right and wrong in such cases tends to be more about a person’s perspective than morality.

Paul wrote of Jesus … though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9, ESV)  None of us can imagine what incredibly drastic changes Jesus voluntarily made in order to leave the splendor, authority, righteousness of heaven and come to earth to be born in an animal stable as a helpless baby to parents with no experience in raising a child.  So, what kind of changes have you been called upon to make for your spouse, children, parents or in-laws. Most, if not all, marriage or church conflicts have proven to be reduced to a petty personal preference that came out of a suitcase full of misdirected expectations and unwillingness to change. 

A cursory examination of Scripture reveals God required His chosen people to make drastic changes that would set them apart from other tribes of humanity.  Abraham was called to leave his family, friends and the culture he understood.  Early Christ followers had to leave everything dear to them, extended family, homes, jobs and even where they grew up.  Imagine what this would be like for you to experience.  This meant they were willing to leave their lifelong goals and dreams.  Everything had to be yielded to God and their entire life adjusted to focus on loving Him and following His ways.  Paradoxically, each one discovered that radically adjusting their lifestyle and ways of doing things was well worth the cost.  How closely have you been clinging to things, habits, people, lifestyles? 

Again, God’s own Son gave up more than anyone.  Jesus emptied Himself of position and glory in Heaven to join with His Father’s plan to provide for your salvation and mine.  Having done that, He ascended back to all He had set aside.  As a Christ-follower, you have no choice but to hold loosely whatever earthly things or people you enjoy.  In my personal case, my dream was to be a counselor or business executive—not a minister!  I knew I was not naturally shaped for preaching.  Yes, I tried to negotiate with God, practiced passive resistance, insisted on my independence but slowly surrendered all.  In retrospect my only regret has been my utter unwillingness to exchange my dreams sooner.   Your greatest difficulty in following God may come down to giving up all that is valuable to you to do what seems impossible to you.  This kind of crisis is what reveals the authenticity of the love and trust in God you want to have.

The only way to follow Him is to align our thinking and actions with Him and His ways—the sooner the better.  Those who did this in the early Bible days, or the birthing of the church lived out the faith you and I have dreamed of experiencing.  Given the chaotic climate of our nation today, it may very well be that you will be positioned to make necessary changes in your life to obey His command to make disciples of our Lord.  If so, fear not!  You will discover first-hand the dynamic faith provision and power you have only dreamed of experiencing.  Prepare yourself now to make necessary changes so you can literally live out the freedom, joy, peace and hope for which Christ died so you could enjoy.   These changes may come sooner than you think.      


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