
The name of our church youth group when I turned 13 was CA’s, which stood for Christ’s Ambassadors. Before every meeting, we would sign the chorus,

We are Christ’s Ambassadors.

And our colors we must unfurl,

We must wear a spotless robe,

Clean and righteous before the world.

We must show we’re cleansed from sin.

And that Jesus dwells within.

Proving duly that we’re truly

Christ Ambassadors.

All I understood when I learned that song was, I had come of age! I was now a teenager and a part of a youth group. That was gratifying enough for me at that time.

Years later, I discovered the original Greek word translated ambassador primarily referred to being the eldest in birth age. It was common for a king to choose an older man who best represented the nation or king’s culture to speak with the authority of the king. Today, perhaps that type of ambassador would have become an apprentice to the king by learning his character, core values, ways, etc. Therefore, the author of the chorus included the words We must wear a spotless robe, Clean and righteous before the world. We must show we’re cleansed from sin. And that Jesus dwells within.

As I recently pondered all that it occurred to me, it would be much easier to be an ambassador of a less than perfect leader than it would be to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ. If the king lacked integrity, good or moral character, etc., I wouldn’t have to worry too much about living a perfect lifestyle. Why? Because the person I represented was far from perfect and others knew that. All I would need to do is lie, as the person I represented would do, to make my leader look good.

However, being an ambassador of Jesus Christ would be very different! In fact, it would be impossible to be that kind of perfect—UNLESS that person had been an APPRENTICE of Jesus. An apprentice seeks to know their trainer’s character, values, ways and reproduces them. If the apprentice had the humility of Jesus, he/she would humbly acknowledge their mistake to God and others, then seek to become closer to Christ so that more of Christ would shine through his/her responses and choices. Please notice these words: For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts (not necessarily behavior or thoughts) are fully committed to him… (2 Chronicles 16:9, NIV).

So, what quality of an ambassador of Jesus Christ have you been this last 6 months or year? Have you been representing His integrity, moral character, or ways? What more can you do so His integrity and truth, His love and justice, His mercy and righteousness are obvious to others in your sphere of influence? What practical steps can you take for Jesus’ passion for His Father and unbelievers are the fabric of your inner being and clearly reflecting who He is?
