If You Have Ears

Dominos is a favorite because it is so versatile. There are over 100 games that can be engagingly played with the identical elements and the age range can run from kindergartners to the elderly. One that I have been attracted to is when you stand them on end, maybe an inch apart, in a snake-like shape. When the first one is tipped, all the rest will fall.

It is fun when you set up your finances just right so that when one domino falls; you will reap a windfall of money. The more sobering domino type is when events in finances, health, or international conflict are set up that tipping one of them has the potential of tipping all the rest, leading us into depression or world war. I recently read in the news that a study group focused on international affairs said our world is as close to world war as have ever been. The last very tense time came when I was in high school. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 happened when Russian and the United States were in the Cold War. There was scary talk about nuclear bombs and building your own bomb-shelter.

The Global Peace Index (GPI), the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness, reported our world is at a crossroads. We have 56 conflicts going on, the most since World War II. But beyond that, given how nations align themselves, it means 92 countries are involved in conflicts beyond their borders. The more notarized conflicts are the Russian-Ukraine and the Israel-Arab wars. Our own nation is facing a highly divisive condition when facing a hostile presidential election. Given the dockworkers’ strike, our days ahead could get very dark.

I point those matters out only to help us acknowledge it would not take too many dominos to fall for our world to be severely shaken. Jesus warned us about these world conditions when He said, “you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.  Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.  But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come Matthew 24:6-8 (NLT2)”. Cf. Mark 13:7-8 He then said situations for Christ’s followers would become horrible!!

Given that warning, it begs the question; how then should we be living? The most important answer won’t come from others. It will come from what your inner being (spirit) is saying to you about you. Living in denial at this time will not be in your best interest!! As for me, the Bible has proven to be the only truth that has endured through time. But the Bible is of no use if you don’t know what it says about how to live. Jesus said multiple times, “he who has ears to hear (is open to hear), let him hear (Mark 4:9 NIV)”. Clearly, not everyone who has ears will hear. Jesus’ disciples heard and wanted to hear more clearly, so they took the initiative to ask what He was really saying. He said to those who asked; “you are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not (Matthew 13:11, NLT2)”. My point is, unless you are eager enough to discover for yourself what the Bible says, you won’t like the price you will pay.

Yes, there’s “more to come”. World conditions are warning us it’s time for you, and your loved ones, to get deadly serious about discovering for yourself what the Bible says. There are other qualifiers in the Bible and only those that endure to the end will be saved. But, Jesus said, when you find that treasure, you will gladly “sell all that you have” to own it. (Matthew 13:44-46)


One Reply to “If You Have Ears”

  1. Dark, troubled times. Set to get darker and more dangerous. Let’s get Jesus back in the picture! He is our only REAL hope!

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