Fix Your Mind on Things Above

I sometimes wonder if I have an adult form of ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). I think of something I need to do in a different room and forget that task before I get in that room. In that short time lapse, my mind has dashed onto another subject. Sound familiar? When I pray, it only takes moments before my mind sprints off to something different from praying. In this context, when I read Paul’s words, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” Colossians 3:2, (ESV), my mental radar screen goes blank. Lacking clarity on what that means, my mind streaks off in an entirely different direction. Obviously, this doesn’t happen to me all the time, but certainly more often than I like! I can get so frustrated with myself.

Since Connie’s graduated to her reward, I have increased my learning of God, His Word, and myself. The Spirit has used her prayer journals to speak both comfort and correction to me, for which I am most grateful. Through all that has happened, I have found a fresh appreciation for who our God is—His ways, values, character and attributes. I found the review of His names in the Bible, revealing who He is, inspiring and insightful. As I meditate on each name, my mind becomes focused on “things that are above”. For instance, in Genesis 16:13, Hagar identified the Lord as El Roi, the “God of seeing,” after her encounter. That experience made me realize, in a very real way, that God is seeing me in my grief as a widower. I find myself praising not only what He does, but who He is; a praise that comes from my heart, not just my head. His felt presence then came over me like a soothing wave. I had known He saw me for years, but setting my mind on things above and applying it to where I was in life made that fact so much more personal and real.

When I considered His name Elohim, I was reminded of how, in the Bible, that name is a plural noun, meaning He is not one person but three—God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. So, when I use the term God in prayer or conversation, I am addressing all of them at the same time. The three are so intertwined. It is as though they are dancing as one, working as one, loving, seeing and caring for me as one. Together, they dwell within me, so what do I have to fear? Again, as I think through that perfect unity of love, wisdom, power, and all He (they) is (are), again like a wave of the sea, His presence crashes over me resulting in praise from my inner being bursting out towards Him.

There certainly are more ways to set your mind on things above than what I’ve mentioned here, so relax. You were not designed by a cookie cutter. How you set your mind on things above, and how you respond in His felt presence, will be different. The bottom line is, when you encounter His felt presence, you are changed from glory to glory. You can ask Him how you can set your mind on things above so you can benefit from it in your daily life. Just find a way to do it.

If you want to use the method I described above, do a Google search on the names of God. Then take time to allow your mind to imagine what all that name means and how it applies to you. You can take one of His names with you to work. Then, you can set your mind on things above, so as soon as you finish a task, your mind can snap back to thinking about things above. I pray it will inspire you, as it has me. But again, considering the names of God is NOT an exclusive way to set your mind on things above. The Spirit has a way that will bring His joy into your life.
