God’s Patience

Can you remember a teacher, parent or spouse telling you to meet at a certain place after the event so he/she could pick you up? …but when the event was over, you had become so entranced with the event you forgot and went to where you suspected your leader might be. What was the mood when that driver finally drove up? Was it a fun moment or not? Most likely that person was angry, and you were defensive. Regretful words were spoken, and the car became silent.

I’ve done something similar to God. He gave me a word of knowledge about a board member. When the board members showed up for a meeting, I told the person what I sensed the Spirit had told me. It hit a nerve, and he became angry. The Spirit whispered; I didn’t tell you to tell him. I told you that so you would pray for him and could talk to him when I prompted you. OOPS!!

Jesus had specifically told His disciples He would meet them in Galilee after He had risen from the dead. (Mark 14:28, Mathew 26:32) The morning He arose, an angel specifically at the tomb told the ladies to tell the disciples that Jesus was going to meet them in Galilee. (Mark 16:7; Matthew 28:7) Jesus Himself later also told the ladies the same thing. Matthew 28:10 So where did the disciples go after the resurrection? John 20:19 tells us that evening they were afraid and behind locked doors in Jerusalem!

What did Jesus say to them? He didn’t chide them or even bring the issue up! Knowing the trauma their humanity had just endured, He repeatedly said, “Peace be with you.” What might that reveal to you about God? What kind of God would respond like that? God is patient, long-suffering, gentle, self-controlled, and more. The fact is, that is precisely what you and I will be like the more intimate we get with our Lord. Paul says those are sample fruit or signs of you and me growing closer to Him. Isn’t that an incentive to sacrifice time to be more with Him, to study His Word? Paul explained, “So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLT2). Who wouldn’t want to have that happen to them?

What obstacle keeps us from spending more time with Him? Most would say it is time. We are busy people. The reality, we find time to do what we want to do. If we are the people pleaser type, we will do things someone wants us to do even if it takes us away from investing time gazing at the Lord and allowing that to change us little by little into His “glorious image”. If we want to score points to build our image or whatever, we will do crazy things, things we don’t want to do, to expose ourselves to a certain person who we hope will be impressed with what we may do. I suspect you get my point because there are a lot of examples of how we tell ourselves we are too busy to spend valued time with our Creator.

Please know, I am talking to myself when I say these things. If it applies to you as well, that is between you and God. The fact is, we don’t have to spend hours praying, fasting, or do religious rituals. It is amazing what 15 minutes a day in solitude focused on God can do to you. It will probably increase your desire for more of His presence. It even helps me to get with other like-minded people and discuss Bible passages, principles or concepts. What could you do to carve out time to be in solitude with Him? Would it be worth it to experience that change?


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