There IS More to It?

Is God as interested in what you do in ministry for Him, in your behavior, or is He more interested the developing your spirit deep within you? There are scores of activities you can engage in. But normally, the leaders try to link your skill set with one of their ministry areas. In a recent conversation with a believer about their spiritual journey, I learned a lot about his involvement in a ministry and heard very little about his life-giving relationship with God. It reminded me of the story of a guy Jesus encountered who is often called the rich young ruler referenced in Mark 10.17-22.

The intriguing aspect of the story was a young man who had the best of all this earthly life could offer: youth, wealth, and power. However, he also had a sense he was missing some of the more important things in life than power and possessions. Why else would such a successful man come to Jesus and ask this question?

Religion, regardless of what brand or flavor it might be, is essentially composed of doing the right things and avoiding the wrong things. Knowing humanity, Jesus answered by giving him an answer that would expose the intuitive need that the man was seeking to fulfill. Carefully note this. Jesus answered You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother’ (Mark 10:19, NIV). Wow! Can you say that about how you have lived your life? The man’s response was very revealing. He said, Teacher, all these I have kept since I was a boy Mark 10:20 (NIV)! Does that sound like how you may have answered about your faith in God?

Please note that Jesus points to ‘why’ the man sensed he still lacked something important. Jesus looked at him and loved him. One thing you lack. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (Mark 10:21, NIV). Please know that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with youth, wealth, or power. They can only be a hindrance when allowed to blind a person from their felt need for God’s help. If anyone trusts more in their performance than in God’s mercy and grace, their inner spirit will sense they need something more. This becomes evident to them as it did for this man when they slow down long enough to take a personal inventory. They can then sense, like this man, that there is more to Christianity than just the doing part. Please understand that doing in the form of loving and serving is essential to following Christ—but ONLY when it is done out of a deeply felt passion for God.

Jesus wasn’t saying his wealth, power, or anything else the young man had was bad—not at all! He was saying until the heart of a person is totally invested in loving and serving God, all he/she has is unadulterated religion—whatever brand it might be. Remember Jesus said, you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength (Mark 12:30, NLT2). When a person loves that deeply, even an unbeliever can sense the loving believer possesses something more significant than religion.

Let me be very clear. The Bible teaches serving in a ministry is vital to the spiritual maturation process (Eph. 4:12-13). However, there IS more to Christianity than what so many fantasize it to be. It is not just about developing knowledge or busy activities. There is an indescribable pleasure that comes from an intimate relationship with God. It can even restore health to our body, soul, and spirit. Are you more like the rich young ruler or like Jesus?
