The strange phenomenon is, we hear far more about those holding an extreme position (Democrats-Republicans; Calvinist-Armenian, etc.) instead of a balanced one. Truth is actually found in the tension between two opposites, not in the extremes. Without the balanced perspective, God’s ways could appear a bit bipolar in what He is going to do with His people (Jews) and believers today.
Isaiah begins in chapter 1 sharing a vision he received from God how the people were religiously going through the motions of spirituality, but their hearts were falling short of authentic worship. In the third chapter he prophecies how God is going to bring painful judgement on their sin. In chapter 5 he says how God will “lay it [His vineyard – Israel] waste.” He repeats this in chapter 22. But by chapters 26-27, he prophecies of God opens the Jews’ eyes and turns their varied levels of captivity into deliverance by bringing the now authentic God-following Jews into the millennial reign of Christ on earth. This overview of Isaiah’s prophecies gives us a clue into God’s ways with us today.
I’ve often wondered what happened to the scores of Jews who died while in their stubborn, adulteress condition, if in the end, His people will return to Him and then be able to live in such a kingdom of God? If they were insincere Jews who spoke of Jehovah as their God yet were only going through religious motions, would they end up in God’s heaven? Today what we struggle to understand is the wide chasm between insincere churchgoers (similar to insincere Jews) and those with a passion to really know and serve Christ. Will God be so gracious that all who call themselves Christians will end up in His heaven? What does the Bible really say about this?
God is not bipolar! He is both awesome in love and in severity. Paul, a New Testament writer unveils God’s ways by writing Note then the kindness AND [my emphases] the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off (Romans 11:22, ESV). He also wrote For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt (Hebrews 6:4-6. ESV). Jesus even taught but the one who ENDURES [my emphases] to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13, ESV). The point is, God’s promises were/are for the authentic God-following Jews and authentic believing Christ-followers today, not everyone. This shows the mind-boggling fact that just as God separated the Jews in the past, He will separate Christ-followers today, not based on one’s heritage, knowledge, rhetoric or behavior, but rather upon their hearts’ passion for Him. In both cases, when they chose to let their love for Him determine their choices instead of their own rationalizations, they enjoyed God’s incredible tender love and protection.
It is fascinating to note that even when the essential element of vital desire for God (not His gifts) was at its lowest, He relentlessly pursued His people even allowing them to suffer great loss. But at the end of time, their desire for Him will finally return and He will lead them into the millennial reign of Christ. His ways never change. Hopefully you can better see how, out of great love for us, He can be both kind AND severe. He responds to us not based upon our heritage, knowledge or legalistic behavior but rather upon our expressed, persistent desire for Him and His truth. Have you been making your daily decisions on God’s severity OR His loving kindness OR on His both/and nature? God is not as interested in your perfect behavior as He is in your perfect heart towards Him. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30, ESV) By basing your daily decisions based purely on loving God with ALL you will come to naturally bear the most joy, peace and fruitful life.