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The Below Article is the same one that was published in the Minister’s update:

When I first entereministry one of the staff pastors I worked with quoted an old saying, “familiarity breeds contempt.”  I have found that to be true in many situations, but especially with people.  When a person becomes familiar with a place or object, it may not always breed contempt but more often than not it breeds ‘blindness’—we see and/or hear but ignore the person or whatever the situation might be. What were nice decorations in your home lose their appeal after several months. Perhaps that is why God created seasons.  Whatever the case, it happens and it has stuck in my mind since I first heard that phrase.

In that light, I’ve been counseled a couple times that sending out our Updates weekly tend to make them so routine people may see them in their email box, maybe even open them but not really read them.  A few guys thought a better solution might be to change the ‘publishing’ of our Updates to monthly (extra when something really significant needs to be communicated) and begin a blog in which to share my thoughts.  I’ve never read a blog much less written one but I want to keep changing if it will help me better communicate.