Good News

What might be classified as “good news” to you? Could it be a very large unexpected financial gift or a clean bill of health after struggling for years with some form of cancer?

The only thing Jesus called “good news” was the various aspects of the kingdom of God. Get this! He even left behind a crowd eager to see Him perform more miracles to go preach the good news of the kingdom of God in other cities. And, when he sent out his disciples to preach, he commanded them to preach the kingdom of God—not Jesus saves! (Luke 9:2) What is it about the kingdom of God that could be classified as “good news” compared to salvations, healings, or delivering the demoniac?

What is this kingdom of God? It is not heaven, Jesus, nor the Church, although it includes each. The kingdom is a condition where God’s will is being done.

Before Adam and Eve disobeyed in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lived in God’s kingdom. But when they doubted God, the King, refusing to submit to His authority, He expelled them from His kingdom. This shows us a person may know about the King, quote Bible verses, or do very good deeds, yet still be outside His kingdom if they live by their own rules and preferences. Remember, the Pharisees did all the right things, but did so out of misguided motives. God is far more interested in why we live right than our living in what appears to be a right way.

Ancient Near East empires shifted from one area to another, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Rome. In those days, the dominant king (suzerain) would negotiate a treaty/covenant with the king of a smaller nation (vassal), perhaps one they had conquered. The suzerain/vassal covenant consisted of blessings the suzerain would give and curses if the vassal was disloyal. God used this same treaty structure when making a covenant with the Hebrews.

The books of Genesis and Exodus define such covenants the Almighty God made with the early Hebrews (Jews). In this case, God offered to provide for and protect the Jews if they would love and serve Him alone. He warned that if they failed in fulfilling their part of the covenant, curses would come upon them. Over time, after repeatedly ignoring God’s warning, His curse consisted of allowing another nation to conquer them and march the most promising of their population off to the conquering country.

The Jews were under the kingdom rule of the Romans when Jesus lived on the earth. Jesus’ primary message was about the “good news” of God’s kingdom, which offered a new chance to live an abundant life for everyone who gave up control of their inner kingdom to experience the best life in His kingdom. (John 10:10) But again, God insisted each person love the LORD [their] God with all [their] heart, all [their] soul, all [their] mind, and all [their] strength (Mark 12:30, NLT2). (Cp. Deut. 6:5)

When a person’s love for God motivates them to surrender the control of their daily life to God Almighty, He then progressively reshapes their inner desires and values to look like Jesus’ desires and values. Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think (Eph. 3:20, NLT2). It is not a matter of doing good deeds. It is all about the condition of the heart, which gives good deeds their value. The question each person must ask is this: “Is this good enough news to motivate me to surrender my control of my life and be love and loyally obey God, the King?”

The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him (2 Chronicles 16:9a, NLT2). Does your lifestyle reflect independence from or submission to God’s rulebook? The “Good News” is about living the more abundant life. (John 10:10)
