How Do You Affect Others?

I loved being around Dave. While he was a bright, gifted man, I was most attracted to the effect he had on my thinking and my heart for God. Rod was a guy I tolerated. He, too, was bright and very talented, yet the effect he had on my thinking and attitude was not healthy. His focus was on gratifying his desires by manipulating or using people. He talked a good talk about God, but what he said sounded like a broken, clanging cymbal. Think about it. How does being around a cynical, complaining, or fault finding or rebellious person leave you? How does a grateful, joy-filled, loving, or one passionate about God leave you? Like it or not, you do affect others.

Philemon was a Bible character I want to imitate. Paul wrote of him, your love, dear brother, has brought me great joy and much encouragement! You have cheered the hearts of all of God’s people (Philemon 1:7, TEV). Did you notice that Philemon not only positively affected Paul and many other believers? He is a model for each of us! Although I sincerely desire to lift the spirit of those who need encouragement and challenge those who have become complacent about God, I have not done it enough! I’m still pressing towards that mark.

Several in the Bible were named Zechariah, but one was the least notorious. He was as ordinary as you and me. He was mentioned in the Bible because of how he affected a teenager, Uzziah. Uzziah was made king when he was 16 when his dad died. The Bible provides no information about how Zechariah connected with Uzziah. We can only speculate that when it happened, Uzziah sensed something drawing him to pay attention to Zechariah’s mentoring. This begs the question, are you and I living a life so connected to God that a spiritually hungry teenager would want to have you as his life-giving spiritual mentor? That is especially a challenge for me these days!

The Bible describes this relationship this way. As long as Zechariah, his religious adviser, was living, he served the LORD faithfully, and God blessed him (2 Chronicles 26:5, TEV). The successes King Uzziah experienced were very impressive. But did you notice things changed when Zechariah died? The Bible tells us when King Uzziah became strong, he grew arrogant, and that led to his downfall. He defied the LORD his God by going into the Temple to burn incense on the altar of incense (2 Chronicles 26:16, TEV) We see this happen in every walk of life. No one is immune. Pride tastes delightful, but is deadly. Uzziah died a horrific death because of it.

Please know, unless we intentionally mentor/coach someone’s heart or spirit, they will not have learned to know and trust a very personal God. This is a quite common mistake well-meaning, God-fearing parents make in raising their children. Unless their parents’ clear passion tutors their child’s heart for God, all the Bible or church knowledge is of little value.

This same thing happened when a priest (Jehoiada) mentored Joash, a 7-year-old boy who became king when his father died. The Bible tells us [Joash] did what was pleasing to the LORD as long as Jehoiada the priest was alive. 2 Chronicles 24:2 (TEV) He too was successful at first. However, when Jehoiada dies, the direction of the nation soon went south.

Looking back, I wish I had worked harder at discipling hearts instead of indoctrinating the mind and behavior of others. I have found GREAT comfort in those whose hearts I was able to shape. They have been faithful, to God alone be the glory. I only wish I would have been able to affect more hearts. How intentional have you been in affecting the hearts of those around you to love God with ALL their hearts?


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