Selfless Love

One of the affectionate words I use when talking to my wife is ‘Babe’. I really don’t know where I came up with that word, but I frequently use it for her. However, ‘Babe’ can be used in a wide variety of ways. Love is another word loosely used in diverse ways. People love their car, cat, dog, job, harassing others, or having intimate relationships with their spouse.

The Greek language has separate words to describe love, each of which are gifts from God given for its proper purpose. Eros is the type of love that builds romantic relationships (think “erotic”). Phileo is the word used to convey a closeness and fondness that develops as two people choose to befriend each other. We know Philadelphia as the city of brotherly love. Storge is the word that refers to parental love for their children. This type of love is more enduring and deeper than phileo. It can often be a one-way love because parents will love their child after that child has abandoned them. Agape, the pure gold level of love. It’s selfless. It is God’s love for us.

This multi-concept of love is widely accepted. What is not widely considered is that agape does not include the flesh’s emotional component. Any aspect of self is at war with God’s self-less agape. Just as Jesus’ human self-nature had to die in Gethsemane before He could die for our sins and rise again, so it is for you and me.

Agape is not action; it is a source of action. Nor is it a feeling or an emotion or intention; although it inspires intentions, actions, and feelings. It is a condition out of which actions of a certain type emerge. The objective of agape is not to be a person who does loving things. Rather, it is to become the type of person who naturally, joyfully, and is easily compelled to love others, including those who hold immoral positions or abuse us. If we give attention to taking care of our heart condition, righteous actions will naturally follow. Loving with God’s love does not mean giving in to what others want. By its very nature, it seeks what is right before God and offers what will enable them to do what is right in His eyes. It is not something you choose to do, it is what you become, a loving person. The love Christ wants to give us is NOT a result of human effort. It simply is the radical reflection of God who gave us His agape love. It will inspire His compassion for others rather than just sympathy for them.

God gave us agape, not because He needed our love, but because He knew we needed to love Him and others in order to have the fullness of joy that He has. His gift of agape is not a divided, soiled, or lukewarm love. Rather, it is a whole-hearted love that gives as He gives to us.

How do we reach that quality of love? Please understand, we cannot receive it by increasing our head knowledge, although head knowledge is helpful. Complete trust in God and death to self, opens the floodgates for His agape love to flow unconsciously into us. Self-effort prevents it. Paul described God’s method this way. And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18, AMP)

This revelation has relaxed my soul and given me a greater desire to be transformed into His image. I pray that sharing this will inspire you to have a similar desire for God and His agape.
